Knowledge Base


Essential Guide to Product Labeling in the USA

23. July 2024

Product labeling in the USA is complex but very important. It ensures consumer safety and helps with informed buying choices. Each product type, from food to toys, has its own set of rules from federal agencies. It’s crucial for businesses...

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Product Certification: Ensuring Quality Standards

23. July 2024

Product certification is key for quality and meeting industry standards. It shows a company’s commitment to go beyond what’s required. This builds trust with customers, especially in fields like cars and medicine. Certifications like ISO 9001 show a strong quality...

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FDA Approval: What You Need to Know

23. July 2024

The FDA approval process is key in the pharmaceutical world. It makes sure drugs and devices are safe and work well before they hit the market. The Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) is a big part of this...

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Report Amazon scammers: How to protect yourself

8. July 2024

There are more and more fraudsters posing as Amazon employees. But there are ways in which Amazon can help you protect yourself. Read here how you can protect yourself from these scammers and how you can inform Amazon about suspicious...

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sourcing amazon

Sourcing Smarter, Not Harder: Strategies for Streamlining Your Sales on Amazon

3. April 2024

Are you aiming to boost your sales on Amazon? Sourcing smarter, not harder, is the key to thriving on this highly competitive platform. The success of your business fundamentally depends on efficient product sourcing.  Effective Amazon product sourcing isn’t just...

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Understanding the Importance of Product Compliance in E-Commerce

30. January 2024

What is product compliance in e-commerce? Product compliance in e-commerce refers to ensuring that the products you are selling online meet the legal requirements and safety standards set by regulatory authorities. In simple terms, it means making sure that your...

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Understanding E-commerce: The Importance of Market-Specific Strategies

23. January 2024

Introduction to E-commerce E-commerce refers to buying and selling products or services over the internet. It has become an integral part of modern business as more people choose to shop online. E-commerce offers convenience and a wide range of options...

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Breaking Down the Basics of E-commerce Acceleration

23. January 2024

What is E-commerce Acceleration? E-commerce acceleration refers to the strategies and technologies used to speed up the growth and success of online retail businesses. It involves implementing techniques like optimizing website performance, streamlining the checkout process, and leveraging data and...

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How to Evaluate Market Entry Viability for Your Shopify Store

4. January 2024

Understanding market entry viability When considering entering a new market with your Shopify store, it’s important to assess the viability of the market. This involves evaluating the potential success and profitability of your store in that market. Factors to consider...

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The Importance of Compliance in Expanding Your Amazon Business

27. December 2023

Understanding Compliance in Amazon Business When running an Amazon business, it is crucial to understand compliance to ensure that you are meeting all the necessary legal and regulatory requirements. Non-compliance can result in penalties and even the suspension of your...

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How to Optimize Your Supply Chain for Maximum Efficiency

19. December 2023

Understanding the importance of supply chain optimization Supply chain optimization is a key factor in achieving maximum efficiency in your business operations. By understanding the importance of supply chain optimization, you can streamline your processes, reduce costs, and improve customer...

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The Benefits of Using a Third-Party to Sell Your Products on Amazon

12. December 2023

Introduction: Why selling on Amazon is a popular choice for businesses Selling on Amazon has become a popular choice for businesses, and for good reason. By utilizing a third-party to sell your products on Amazon, you can take advantage of...

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The legal background for EC Rep Service to sell products in the EU

6. December 2023

What is an EC Rep Service? An EC Rep Service, or European Authorized Representative Service, plays a crucial role in ensuring compliance with European Union regulations for products being sold in the EU. This service acts as a liaison between...

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How to Harness the Power of the Amazon Marketplace in Europe

28. November 2023

Introduction to the Amazon Marketplace in Europe The Amazon Marketplace in Europe is a powerful platform that offers immense opportunities for businesses looking to expand their reach and increase sales. With millions of active customers and a vast network of...

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Content Marketing for Amazon Sellers 2023: A Comprehensive Guide

Content Marketing for Amazon Sellers 2023: A Comprehensive Guide

29. August 2023

In today’s digital age, content marketing stands as a cornerstone for businesses, especially for Amazon sellers. As 2023 unfolds, integrating content marketing strategies with the latest social media trends becomes indispensable. This article offers an in-depth exploration of content marketing,...

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Mastering Blocked Seller Account Challenges with SPACEGOATS in 2023

Mastering Blocked Seller Account Challenges with SPACEGOATS in 2023

16. August 2023

Facing a blocked Seller account on platforms like Amazon can be a daunting challenge for businesses in the eCommerce realm. However, with expert guidance and strategic solutions from SPACEGOATS, navigating these hurdles becomes significantly more manageable. This article delves into...

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Case Study US

Daniel: Pilot Project USA Expansion

17. March 2023

The Preparation: Point of departure Daniel has been working on his expansion with SPACEGOATS since May 2021. Having exploited the local marketplace and already launched SPACEGOATS on all pan-European marketplaces, Daniel wanted to go even further and even higher. As...

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How to successfully run Amazon Ads on multiple marketplaces

How to successfully run Amazon Ads on multiple marketplaces

1. September 2022

International expansion is a major milestone for most companies on Amazon. However, this process can be very time-consuming and requires sufficient resources. Advertising campaigns are particularly important for success on Amazon. Therefore, you should make sure to adapt your ads...

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A Guide to European Product Compliance and Requirements

9. August 2022

Product compliance and requirements can be challenging. Here you will find the SPACEGOATS guide to help you.

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Amazon 360 - Review

Strategic Account Services – Is it worth it? – Experience, Review, and Conclusion

5. April 2022

Get some inside of our experience with the Strategic Account Services. What exactly is it? Is it worth it? Does SPACEGOATS recommend it? How can you easily access it?

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12 Sorts of Amazon FBA Inventory

12 Sorts of Amazon FBA Inventory

29. March 2022

1. Fulfillable Inventory Fulfillable inventory (also known as available inventory or FBA inventory on-hand), refers to the stock stored at Amazon’s fulfillment centers that can be picked, packed, and shipped to customers. Fulfillable inventory is directly affected by your instock...

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The Top 3 Tools for Your Amazon Business

The Top 3 Tools for Your Amazon Business

22. March 2022

You can certainly try to start without a tool, but you are likely to fail. Amazon is a fierce marketplace. That’s why it’s so important to have powerful tools. This article will help you determine which Amazon selling tools are...

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12 SEO beginner tips for your Amazon listing

12 SEO beginner tips for your Amazon listing

15. March 2022

Here are 12 helpful tips to help you optimize your product listings: #1 Write Descriptive Titles: Amazon’s algorithm is based around the title tag and other meta descriptions, so they do matter. But they do not often win the keywords...

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Changes in the import and export of organic products as of January 2022

Changes in the import and export of organic products as of January 2022

8. March 2022

The EU Commission identified significant weaknesses in the third-country control procedures through years of monitoring. Therefore, regulations regarding imports will be tightened further and an equal playing field for EU Commission monitoring of third-country control agencies. The recognition of equivalent standards...

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Explaining the buybox

Explaining the buybox

1. March 2022

The buybox is what people see when they search for the product which you are selling on Amazon. It’s part of Amazon’s exclusive seller program, and it boils down to one product, many sellers. For sellers, it can be frustrating...

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What are the costs of shipment through Amazon FBA?

22. February 2022

Ever thought about Amazon FBA shipment cost? As a seller, this topic is quite important, we would say. Therefore, we want to inform you about the basics. And which advantages there are if you make use of the FBA shipment....

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What is Amazon FBA?

15. February 2022

Amazon Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) allows sellers to leave the logistics of their products in the hands of Amazon. With FBA, you can store your products in one of their many storage options, and Amazon will pick, pack, and ship...

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Amazon Global Logistics Network

7. February 2022

Amazon Global Logistics The Amazon Global Logistics (AGL) or Global Shipping Service (GSS) program is advertised as a single portal for shipment creation, freight booking, cargo tracking and payment. Amazon advertises this solution with much lower costs, accurate and easy...

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Packaging inserts – The benefits and what to avoid

17. January 2022

In today’s hyper-competitive marketplace, packaging inserts are a great way to get your brand in front of more people, and get them to take notice. In this article, we’re going to explore the benefits of packaging inserts and why they...

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chinese new year spacegoats

Chinese New Year 2022 for Amazon Sellers

10. January 2022

What is the name of Chinese New Year? … and is New Year’s Eve celebrated in China? For the Chinese, the New Year is ushered in with the most important celebration for families: the Spring Festival or Lunar New Year...

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Amazon 360 spacegoats

We are part of Amazon 360

5. January 2022

Now you can enjoy all the benefits of Amazon 360 and SCAPEGOATS combined, without the annoying interaction with the Sellersupport.  We’ve reached many goals in 2021, and now it’s time to celebrate a bit. As a competent and high-revenue seller,...

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intergalactic journey 2021 spacegoats

2021 – an intergalactic journey with SPACEGOATS

16. December 2021

New years eve is right around the corner!This is the perfect time to review 2021 and all the information we’ve collected for your success. Find these articles and much more knowledge and downloads in our knowledge base. AMAZON PAN EU...

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one stop shop hurdles spacegoats

One Stop Shop: The biggest tax issues for Amazon sellers 2022

9. December 2021

When you haven’t heard of the term “one stop shop” yet, here’s your chance to do so. We hope you are also ready for some problems and hurdles that come along with the whole tax topic. If there is one...

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blocked seller account

6 reasons for a blocked seller account

2. December 2021

Learn how to handle a blocked seller account in 2023 Log in… Error… Repeat. Again, the same result.  Oh, no. Your Amazon sales account must be blocked. Now what? And how did this happen? We will show you 6 reasons...

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benefits seller account backup

Benefits you have with an amazon seller account backup solution

25. November 2021

An amazon seller account backup is of utmost importance. IMagenie this: you have been selling your products on Amazon for half a year now. Of course, there is a lot of important data that needs to be backed up. So...

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automation best practices

How to automate before launching: Best analysis and sourcing automation for Amazon FBA

18. November 2021

Many online sellers dream of turning their FBA business into an e-commerce career that will allow them to live more independently. Therefore, they dream of automation pre launch. It’s clear that, building any business from the ground up comes with...

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100% automized with Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)

11. November 2021

Ever wondered about how to automate your Fulfillment by Amazon process? We know, changes might be scary, but it’s definitely a chance for you, because… Hold on a second, we will tell you everything in a few moments. At first...

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Automate your amz business

How to do automation right

4. November 2021

The clever, fraud-free way to automate your Amazon FBA business Ever since e-commerce started to become a popular source of income, sellers have searched for ways to automate their business. Optimizing your steps in the online sales world brings you...

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Going Global Guide Part 2

Going Global Guide Part II: Questions to ask before internationalizing your e-commerce business

28. October 2021

The second part of the going global guide is here. Find everything you have to know about how to internationalize your FBA business or own website. Ask yourself the following three questions and try to answer them as best as...

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7 Steps to get started with Amazon Pan-EU

These Are the 7 Steps to Get Started With Amazon PAN EU

20. October 2021

You haven’t expanded your Amazon business to sell internationally yet? Well, what’s stopping you from doing it? Yes, we know this step requires a lot of work – but don’t worry, we can help you out.

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Going Global Guide

Going Global Guide: All You Need to Know to Start Selling Internationally

12. October 2021

Wouldn’t it be incredibly useful to have all the information you need to take your e-commerce sales around the globe at hand, easily accessible and collected in one place? We definitely think so! That’s why we developed this Going Global...

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amazon pl, poland, marketplace, pan-eu

Amazon PL: How to expand to Poland and sell on the new marketplace

5. October 2021

Those participating in the Central Europe program have so far only known Poland as an external storage location for the German Amazon Marketplace. Now, Germany's neighbor Sweden and the Netherlands will follow as an independent marketplace. For a successful start...

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How to manage warehouse limitations, Amazon FBA, Stock management

How to manage warehouse limitations

5. October 2021

The SPACEGOATS cheatsheet for optimizing your inventory shows you at a glance how to ideally combine offers. This allows you to sell off excess inventory and free up space in your Amazon warehouse.

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Black Friday Ebook

How to prepare for Black Friday

5. October 2021

Learn how to deal with the busiest and hottest time of the year.

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product pitfalls, amazon pitfalls

Product pitfalls on Amazon

5. October 2021

During our years of selling various products on Amazon, we have put our foot in it from time to time and made some mistakes. In order to spare you this, we’ve summarized common pitfalls with concrete examples in this concise...

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Thomas: Amazon success without your own account

5. October 2021

We offer the opportunity to anyone who wants to market on Amazon - but is not allowed to create their own account for any reason - to start selling on one or several marketplaces. Like Thomas who found the solution...

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Merlin: Outsource other European marketplaces

5. October 2021

Continuing to run a successful Amazon account in your own country yourself while outsourcing sales on other European marketplaces? This can easily be done with SPACEGOATS, as Merlin’s experience shows, and even includes unforeseen community benefits!

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Florian: Avoid losing sales during legal changes

5. October 2021

From not knowing how to keep sales numbers up while changing his company’s legal form to successfully expanding into Europe: With SPACEGOATS, Florian secured his sales in England and other European countries while rebranding his business.

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Product Compliance

Product Compliance

5. October 2021

Product compliance is an umbrella term for various regulations that are crucial for everyone in the online sales business. We’ve summarized relevant rules, further information and explained selected certificates that are most important for Amazon sellers.

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Legal Change

Change of Legal Structure

5. October 2021

Legal changes can be challenging times for an online sales business: Changing your legal structure often means losing revenue on Amazon - we show you how to minimize damages for your company and keep your sales up!

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Bar Codes

Bar codes: FNSKU or EAN?

5. October 2021

When it comes to FNSKU and EAN, the world is not black and white - even if the barcodes themselves might be. We explain the pros and cons of each code system and clarify which one is best for your...

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Listing write permission

Listing Write Permissions

5. October 2021

Write permissions determine who is allowed to change and overwrite Amazon product listings. This can be a tricky thing since not all matters are clearly clarified in this area. We have more information for you.

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eu delivery thresholds amazon

EU Delivery Thresholds

5. October 2021

Delivery thresholds are export limits that apply when a seller, for example on Amazon, delivers their products across country borders to private customers in other countries. The thresholds regulate in which EU country the seller has to pay taxes for...

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amazon pan Eu, Pan-eu, amz pan eu


5. October 2021

PAN EU is Amazon's pan-European shipping program. Sellers who take part in this program allow Amazon to store their goods in other European countries aside from their own and ship to customers in various countries from these warehouses.

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Prime day for seller

Prime day prep for seller

5. October 2021

It is THE Amazon Event for Sellers and Buyers every year: the Amazon Prime Day. For you that means a thorough preparation as soon as possible. Don’t know when it’s the right time to start or you might even be...

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(Value added) taxes for Amazon sellers in the EU: Pitfalls, regulations, reform 2021 and more

(Value added) taxes for Amazon sellers in the EU: Pitfalls, regulations, reform 2021 and more

5. October 2021

Read everything concerning European VAT for Amazon sellers: From tax liabilities and compulsory registrations to current developments, pitfalls and how to avoid sanctioning.

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Content Marketing and Social Media strategies for Amazon FBA sellers

Content Marketing and Social Media strategies for Amazon FBA sellers

5. October 2021

It’s not enough to simply open an Amazon account, create listings and then sit back and wait until the products are being sold. Of course this will result in a few sold items - however, if you really want to...

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