Packaging inserts – The benefits and what to avoid

17. January 2022

Table of Contents

In today’s hyper-competitive marketplace, packaging inserts are a great way to get your brand in front of more people, and get them to take notice. In this article, we’re going to explore the benefits of packaging inserts and why they can be so effective for business owners looking to grow their target audience.

Packaging inserts allow you to reach your customers in a variety of ways: through social media marketing, email marketing and even passing out the insert at trade shows or events.

If you’re a business owner, the key to using packaging inserts is to understand the concept of your target customer. Is it someone who is a high-end shopper, or someone with a younger demographic? And then follow your target customer from the time they first see your product until they leave your store smiling and satisfied. In this way, you can effectively market your brand through packaging inserts.

Increase your customer base with packaging inserts

First and foremost, the benefit of packaging inserts is that you are able to reach more customers and therefore increase your target audience better. Also, packaging inserts are a great way to get your brand or business in front of new customers by affixing it to the packaging of a product your customer might purchase.

For example, let’s say you decide to add free samples of your makeup along with any cosmetics purchased, such as foundation or blush. Packaging inserts can be placed inside the packaging of your product and is cut out at the top and bottom. This allows you to put your brand or business name on that side of the package while not having to actually affix your insert to it.

In addition, many companies have found that customers are much more likely to take note of their packaging insert when they are caught off guard and see it for the first time.

The dos and don’ts of packaging inserts:

Amazon states that your account can be suspended or blocked if you don’t follow the guidelines. Within the guidelines it’s written that:

Misuse of ratings or product reviews:

Any attempt to manipulate ratings, reviews or product reviews is prohibited.

Ratings and Reviews:

The ratings and reviews features allow buyers to rate overall seller performance. In doing so, they assist sellers in developing a good reputation on Amazon Marketplace. You may not misuse this site to inappropriately rate or post personal information about transaction partners. This includes posting reviews or ratings on your own account. You may ask a buyer to post a review, but you may not offer them payment or other inducement for posting or removing a review. Furthermore, it is strictly prohibited to submit reviews and ratings by manipulation or for commercial purposes.

Product Reviews:

Product reviews are important to Amazon Marketplace because they provide a forum for evaluating product and service details, as well as the reviewer’s positive or negative experiences with products and services. You may not write reviews for products or services in which you have a financial interest. Reviews for competitors’ products and services are also not permitted. In addition, you may not provide compensation for a review (including free or discounted products). Requests for only positive reviews for which compensation is offered are prohibited. You may not ask buyers to change or remove reviews.

What to do when Amazon blocks my account anyway?

If Amazon blocks your seller account or you leve in fear of something like this hapening to you, we offer you the solution. Back up your seller account so you can keep on selling!

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