US Hair Jewelry D2C Brand Expands into Europe and UK on Shopify and Amazon

28. August 2023

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US Hair Jewelry D2C Brand Expands into Europe and UK on Shopify and Amazon


A renowned US-based hair jewelry brand, celebrated for its intricate designs and emotional resonance, has experienced success as a Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) business, selling through its Shopify store and Recognizing the potential of the European and UK markets, the brand has set its sights on expanding its presence in these regions.


The brand faces multiple challenges in its expansion into the European and UK markets:

  1. Regulatory Compliance: Europe and the UK have stringent and varied regulations around product standards, safety, and labeling that need to be carefully navigated.
  2. Customs Declarations and VAT: The brand must manage customs declarations and VAT obligations across multiple countries.
  3. Multi-Currency Handling: Managing multiple currencies in Europe can be complex and affect pricing and profits.
  4. Shipping and Logistics: The brand must deal with logistical challenges when serving European and UK customers, including potential delays, high shipping costs, and customs issues.
  5. Local Customer Support: Providing localized support to customers in different languages is crucial for successful market entry.
  6. Localized Social Performance Marketing: Creating and managing social ads tailored to the local markets in Europe and the UK can be a complex task.
  7. Return Handling: The brand needs to efficiently manage customer returns, which can be logistically challenging and costly in international markets.


SPACEGOATS offers a comprehensive solution to address the brand’s challenges:

  • Regulatory Compliance Support: SPACEGOATS’ experts guide the brand through the specific regulatory requirements in each European country and the UK, ensuring compliance with standards and labeling requirements.
  • Customs and VAT Handling: SPACEGOATS manages customs declarations, duties, and VAT obligations across all countries, ensuring compliance and minimizing administrative burdens.
  • Multi-Currency Support: SPACEGOATS offers multi-currency handling and conversion services, enabling seamless pricing and profit management.
  • Optimized Shipping and Logistics: With SPACEGOATS’ logistic infrastructure, the brand can efficiently serve European and UK customers, reducing shipping times and costs.
  • Localized Customer Support: SPACEGOATS provides multi-lingual customer support, ensuring effective communication and customer satisfaction.
  • Localized Social Performance Marketing: SPACEGOATS assists in creating and managing localized social ads for the European and UK markets, enhancing the brand’s online visibility and customer engagement on Shopify.
  • Return Handling: SPACEGOATS efficiently manages customer returns, reducing the logistical and financial burden on the brand.
  • SEO Content Creation: SPACEGOATS provides SEO content creation for multiple markets (Germany, UK, Italy, Spain, France, Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, and Poland), enhancing the brand’s visibility and organic reach on search engines.


The partnership with SPACEGOATS led to transformative results:

  • Smooth European and UK Market Entry: The brand established a presence in the European and UK markets seamlessly without regulatory or logistical roadblocks.
  • Compliance Assurance: SPACEGOATS’ expertise ensured that the brand’s products met all regulatory requirements across Europe and the UK.
  • Optimized Financial Handling: With SPACEGOATS’ multi-currency support, the brand efficiently managed pricing and profits across markets.
  • Improved Customer Experience: SPACEGOATS’ logistics and localized support enhanced the brand’s customer experience in Europe and the UK.
  • Enhanced Online Visibility: With localized social performance marketing and SEO content creation, the brand improved its online visibility and customer engagement.


This use case illustrates how a US-based hair jewelry brand successfully expanded into the European and UK markets. With SPACEGOATS’ support, the brand navigated regulatory complexities, optimized financial handling, enhanced its online visibility, and improved customer experience. This partnership showcases the benefits of leveraging specialized assistance for successful international expansion.

Are you a D2C brand looking to expand into the European and UK markets? Navigating compliance, logistics, and cultural nuances can be challenging. Let SPACEGOATS be your guide. We offer a comprehensive solution that enables you to seamlessly expand your reach and unlock new revenue streams.

Benefit from smooth market entry, regulatory compliance, multi-currency handling, optimized logistics, localized customer support, and enhanced online visibility. Book your initial consultation with SPACEGOATS today, and let’s chart a path for your successful expansion into the European and UK markets.

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