Sell your first item in the USA within 30 days

Realize the full potential of your brand by selling on Amazon, through your own Shopify shop, in US offline retail and in the North American B2B market.

What we offer

Find out what's included when selling through SPACEGOATS.

Sales channels

Our Selling as a Service solution: We sell your products through our Amazon account, while you stay in full control of your brand.

Shopify Store

We sell your products via your Shopify Store while the orders get fulfilled from the USA. So you and your US customers can benefit from low shippings costs and a short shipping time.

Offline Retail

Expand even more and conquer the offline stores. Sell your products to major US retail stores and lean back, while we arrange everything for you.


Take advantage of reaching millions of businesses in addition to all existing Amazon customers. Get access to the US B2B market through our service.


Supply Chain

Benefit from our existing supply chain infrastructure. We arrange the logistics between Europe/Asia and the USA while we also cover 3PL services of any kind in the USA.

Service or Self-Service

You decide how much you want to manage yourself, or how much you want us to support you. With our Galaxy software, you get a control centre for your sales in Europe and/or the USA.

Product Liability Insurance

As we sell your products on US ground, our insurance will cover upcoming claims. To minimize risk and to achieve long-term success, we need to check each parent product for marketability and safety.

End Customer Service

We take over the end customer support for you and take care of your customers' enquiries.

Why selling with us

Some of the benefits of selling through SPACEGOATS.

Admin Tasks

No company setup required. No tax registration required. Full product compliance security.

Online & Offline

Bring your products to the North American offline retail market without additional workload.

Market Size

Enter the world's biggest market with the support of our existing infrastructure.

Product Reputation

Benefit from European Amazon product reviews when selling through SPACEGOATS.

Your success is our success


of generated net revenue, but minimum €999 per month (whichever is greater). The setup fee is individual. For more information or questions, please contact our sales team.